Edukasi Bahaya Sampah Plastik dan Penguatan Konservasi Penyu di Pantai Bajulmati, Kabupaten Malang

Pada bulan September 2021, dua tim pengabdian Prodi Ilmu Kelautan UB yang diketuai peneliti CORECT FPIK UB, Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati, S.Kel., M.Si., M.Sc dan Ade Yamindago, Ph.D., melakukan kegiatan di Pantai Bajulmati, Kabupaten Malang. Terdapat dua topik yang menjadi pembahasan mereka, yaitu edukasi pengelolaan sampah plastik dan edukasi penggunaan alat monitoring kualitas perairan.

Sampah plastik yang masih banyak berserakan di area wisata Pantai Bajulmati, Kabupaten Malang yang dihasilkan oleh pengunjung maupun masyarakat disayangkan oleh dosen ilmu kelautan UB Rarasrum Dyah Kasitowati, S.Kel., M.Si., M.Sc. Untuk itu bersama tim pengabdian masyarakat prodi Ilmu Kelautan UB dirinya melakukan edukasi tentang bahaya sampah plastik pada perairan dan biota laut. Tim pengabdian masyarakat ini menggandeng Sekolah Alam Bajulmati dan Bajulmati Sea Turtle Consevation (BSTC) untuk melakukan edukasi kepada anak-anak sekitar pantai. Edukasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu membangun kesadaran pentingnya semua pihak menjaga kebersihan pantai Bajulmati dari sampah plastik.Edukasi bahaya sampah plastic oleh Rarasrum (kedua dari kanan) kepada anak sekitar pantai Bajulmati (kanal24)

Edukasi bahaya sampah plastik oleh Rarasrum (kedua dari kanan) kepada anak sekitar pantai Bajulmati (kanal24)

Pada saat yang sama, pemeliharaan penyu di Bajulmati Sea Turtle Conservation (BSTC) pantai Bajulmati Kabupaten Malang masih dilakukan dengan sarana dan peralatan yang kurang memadai. Hal tersebut membuat Ade Yamindago, Ph.D. dan tim membantu masyarakat sekitar Pantai Bajulmati dengan mengadakan pelatihan monitoring kualitas air pada kolam pemeliharaan penyu dengan harapan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakatnya dalam melakukan konservasi penyu

Ade (tengah) menjelaskan beberapa alat monitoring air kepada mitra BSTC (kanal24)

Ade (tengah) menjelaskan beberapa alat monitoring air kepada mitra BSTC (kanal24)

Selain edukasi mengenai ilmu monitoring kualitas air, Ade Yamindago, Ph.D. dan tim juga menghibahkan alat monitoring kualitas air untuk mendukung sarana dan prasarana bagi BSTC.

Pengabdian masyarakat ini disambut positif oleh koordinator BSTC, Sutari. Dari, Sutari menyambut baik dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat dari FPIK UB ini kepada masyarakat sekitar Pantai Bajulmati.


Corect-RG and P2O LIPI: Webtraining on Mangrove Monitoring Based on Monmang Apk.

Indonesia has the largest area of ​​mangroves in the world (3.5 million Ha), represents more than one fifth of the world’s mangroves, with the highest species diversity in the world. Even so, report from the MMAF shows a fairly high rate of mangrove destruction, where 52% or 1,82 million Ha of Indonesia’s mangrove areas are in a damaged condition (KKP, 2020). On the other hand, the availability of standardized data on mangrove conditions in Indonesia is still a big challenge to resolve.

Good quality database surely provide enormous benefits, not only for mangrove management activities, but also for further research on mangrove ecosystems. For this purpose, collaboration between stakeholders is needed to be involved together in mangrove monitoring with standard tools. The involvement of stakeholders related to mangrove ecosystems such as academics, NGOs, local governments and conservation community groups will be an important part of the implementation of Citizen Science. Currently, P2O LIPI has developed MonMang, an Android-based application that simplifies mangrove monitoring activities. The various features in this application allow anyone from different background and level of knowledge to be actively involved in mangrove monitoring activities.

In order to improve UB’s academic community and mangrove stakeholders, on Friday, March 19, 2021, 14.00 – 16.00 WIB, Corect-RG and P2O LIPI carried out a webtraining entitled “Mangrove monitoring based on the Monmang application”. This activity was attended by 300 participants, with speaker from P2O LIPI: I Wayan Eka Dharmawan, M.Si, a mangrove researcher and the head of Monmang development team. This activity is part of the collaboration plan between FPIK UB and P2O LIPI, including mangrove monitoring based on Monmang, research related to mangrove and other activities, especially in the mangrove area of ​​East Java.

Link video training:


Advanced Tools for Coastal and Marine Monitoring, a Collaborative Webtraining between CORECT UB, MUST Taiwan and Strong Co. Ltd, Taiwan

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) as tools for environmental monitoring increasingly becoming the main choice of users: both practitioners and academics, as well as other stakeholders. In coastal monitoring activities, low-cost UAV provide details and cost effective that are not well fulfilled by medium resolution satellite imagery, nor field survey activities. For this reason, the introduction of UAV and its applications become important skill for both academics and professionals.

Continuing the training collaboration that was held in the previous year, in 2020, CORECT – MUST Taiwan and Strong Co.Ltd, Taipei again hold basic UAV training entitled “Advanced Tools for Coastal and Marine Monitoring”. Several national and international institutions were taking part in this activity, includes Lab. Geoinformatics, FCS UB, Agency of Marine Affair and Fisheries, Papua State University, Muhammadiyah Mataram University, Dept. of Harbor & River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and Li-Jou Eng. Consultant Co.

This web training aimed to introduce the ability of UAS for mapping coastal shoreline as well as its environment. At least 70 participants were joined into this webtraining. They come from various academic background and knowledge related to remote sensing its application for coastal monitoring. Webtraining consist of two session (1) introduction of MUST and Strong institutions (2) Application of UAS for coastal monitoring: flight setup, data processing and image classification. Some of the topics presented in Session I include (1) “Development of UAS Techniques”, by Mr. Sinda Tsai (Manager, Strong Co.) and Mr. Louis Lai (Engineer, Strong Co), (2) “UAS Basic Operation: Introduction to UAV flight settings” and “UAS Basic Image Processing: create high quality orthophoto images, by Mr. Jason Lee, and Mr. Louis Lai (Engineer, Strong Co.). In Session II, Dr. Hsing-Yu Wang presented “Monitoring thermal plume and temperature distribution by using airborne infrared camera”, continued by Dr. Kuan-Tsung Chang with the topic of “UAV for environmental monitoring: Apply UAV Multi-Sensors Data for Landslide Inventory”.  Last instructors who gave presentation at the event was Dr. Bambang Semedi and Dr. Fatwa Ramdani from Universitas Brawijaya, with the title of “Coastal Monitoring Using UAVs Data: A Case Study to Assess the Change of Vegetation in Parangtritis Sand Dune Area, Indonesia” and “Advanced Classifier Algorithm to Ultra-High Resolution Unmanned Aerial Aircraft Imagery – A Neural Network Approach”.