CORECT – IJJSS 2019: Initial announcement

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Climate change and sustainable development have become the world’s main focus in recent years. Many research has been carried out in various scale shows its significant threat of changing environments in many dimensions.  CORECT and CReSOS are two research groups which focussed on coastal and marine environmental dynamics related to climate change. CORECT ( Coastal Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation –Research Group) is a research group from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya with research background on coastal ecology, marine chemistry and remote sensing applications for studying the dynamics of the coastal and marine environment. CreSOS (Center for Remote Sensing and Ocean Sciences), a research center from Udayana University, focusing on remote sensing applications to analyze the dynamics in the marine environment. The first collaboration between the research group implemented on The 1st CORECT Science Symposium, September 2018, located in Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. The symposium was attended by participants from universities in Indonesia, NTOU –Taiwan, Indonesia government agencies, USAID Program for Climate Change Adaptation (APIK) and East Java Ecotourism Forum (EJEF).

Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2019 is the 9th Symposium to be held by Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, Universitas Udayana supported by CReSOS. IJJSS is one of the implementations of collaboration between Chiba University and sister Indonesian universities since 2004. The main purpose of this symposium is to provide a meeting that will enforce progress, stimulate growth and advance the state of knowledge between students and researchers from Indonesia and Japan, as well as those from countries around the world.  Before the 9th edition of IJJSS in 2019, the previous IJJSS was held as follows:

Year IJJSS Host Venue
2004 1 Chiba University Chiba
2006 2 UI Jakarta
2008 3 Chiba University Chiba
2010 4 UI Bali
2012 5 Chiba University Chiba
2014 6 UGM Yogyakarta
2016 7 Chiba University Chiba
2018 8 UI Jakarta

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) is a Japanese institute specializing in the areas of electronics, information and communication engineering, and associated fields. Established in 1917, currently, IEICE has the Engineering Sciences Society, NOLTA Society, Communications Society, Electronics Society, Information and Systems Society, and the Human Communication Group. Eighty-four technical committee conferences in relevant fields are held, with each being organized autonomously. This year, The Seminar On Microwave Remote Sensing (SOMIRES) becomes an annual IEICE activity.

In 2019, these three institutions collaborated to hold an International conference entitled International Conference on Sustainability Science and Managementwhich will be held on 14-15 November 2019 in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

This international conference is expected to present interesting discussions through the presentation of research results, related to Marine Science and Fisheries, Engineering and IT, Environmental Science, and Social Science.