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Bambang Semedi. Forcasting the Fishing Ground of Small Pelagic Fishes in Makassar Strait Using Moderate Resolution Image Spectroradiometer Satellite Images |
Journal of Applied Environmental & Biological Sciences, 3, 2 |
2013 |
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Bambang Semedi. Analysis of Development Minapolitan Aquaculture Planning in Gandusari Blitar (in Indonesian) |
J-PAL, 5, 2 |
2014 |
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Bambang Semedi. Estimasi Distribusi Klorofil-A di Perairan Selat Madura Menggunakan Data Citra Satelit Modis dan Pengukuran In Situ Pada Musim Timur (Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Distribution in Madura Strait Using Modis Imagery and In-situ Data during the East Season) |
Research Journal of Life Science, 1, 2 |
2014 |
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Bambang Semedi. Oocyte Diameter Distribution and Fecundity of Javaen Barb (Systomus orphoides) at the Start of Rainy Season in Lenteng River, East Java, Indonesia insurance |
J. Life Sci. Biomed, 5, 2 |
2015 |
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Muhammad Arif Asadi. Scope for growth of the edible oyster, Crassotrea madrasensis in high natural particulate matter |
International Conferences and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences, ISSN : 2338-0128 |
2015 |
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Muhammad Arif Asadi. Effects of high seston concentration on scope for growth of the edible oyster, Crassotrea madrasensis |
1st International symposium of Marine and Fisheries Research |
2015 |
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Bambang Semedi. Estimation of Stress Levels of Coral Reefs Bleaching Using Night-time Satellite Data: A Case Study of Indonesian Tropical Waters |
J. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 15, 1 |
2016 |
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Bambang Semedi. Analyzing Coastal Vulnerability Index Using Integrated Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic nformation System: A Case Study of Denpasar Coastal Zone |
J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci, 6, 4 |
2016 |
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Bambang Semedi. Feasibility Study of Seaweed (Kapaphycus alvarezii) Mariculture using Geographic Information System in Hading Bay, East Flores Indonesia. |
J. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 15, 4 |
2016 |
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Dwi Candra Pratiwi. A Test on the Potential of Marine Yeasts to Degrade Diesel Oil Isolated from Kili-Kili Beach, Trenggalek, East Java. |
Journal of pharmaceutical, biological and chemical sciences, 8, 2 |
2017 |
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Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi. Monitoring of Corallivorous Fish’s Bites on Porites lobata at South Java Sea, Indonesia |
International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 12, 1 |
2017 |
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Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi. Diversity of Stoloniferan Coral (Stolonifera) at Lirang Island, Southwest Maluku (Moluccas), Indonesia |
International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography, 11, 1 |
2017 |